Keep the Morse Legacies Growing!
Over the last 45 years, WMHPC has learned to do much with little in pursuing its mission as stewards of Wayne Morse legacies and the historic resources at the Morse Family Farm. We’re working to improve what we do and to grow.
Your contribution or membership helps the WMHPC’s work. They support the Annual Preservation Open House and civic engagement efforts; preserving our expanding political and Morse family memorabilia collections; the Wayne Morse Legacy Scholarship; interpretive exhibits at the Morse home and elsewhere; publications and outreach about Morse and Edgewood Farm; family and children’s learning programs; expanding our virtual presence and more. WMHPC members participate in the WMHPC Annual Meeting each January, elect the Board of Directors and receive special notice of WMHPC events.
WMHPC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Contributions and memberships are tax deductible. EIN: 51-0186450. Donors may qualify for the Oregon Cultural Tax Credit by making a matching donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust and receive a 100% tax credit for their Trust donation (up to $500 for an individual, $1,000 for a couple filing jointly and $2,500 for a Class-C Corporation). If you enjoy history and politics, consider contributing your time and talent! We are an all-volunteer nonprofit and welcome others who share our interest in historic preservation, interpreting history at the Morse Family Farm and furthering the Morse legacies. Become a volunteer. Become a member of the Board of Directors. Our Board meets on the second Sunday each month, except July and August.
You can contribute via check or PayPal. We will mail or email you a letter of acknowledgement for your records. Checks can be made payable to Wayne Morse Historical Park Corporation and mailed along with this membership or donation form to:
Wayne Morse Historical Park Corporation
595 Crest Drive
Eugene, OR 97405.
To contribute via PayPal, use the link at right and place in the memo space any pertinent info listed below.
PRINT and complete this page to mail with your check payment.
Member or Donor – circle one
Contribution Levels – circle one
$10-29 Friend
$30-49 Supporter
$50-99 Partner
$100-249 Associate
$250-499 Patron
$500-999 Benefactor
Payment Designation – circle one
WMHPC Membership
WMHPC General Fund
Wayne Morse Legacy Endowed Scholarship
Opportunities – optional to circle one
Serve on the WMHPC Board of Directors
Volunteer to help the WMHPC Board or with limited projects at the park